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About Us

Big Cap Brand was started because, as the age of social media is growing, the way we buy products is changing. E-commerce is quickly becoming the way of shopping for the future, however the reliability and trustworthiness of many of these stores is questionable (at best). 

That's why Big Cap Brand was started. We want to provide you with a convenient way to purchase quality gear, however we wanted to do it the right way. This brand was built on the principles of integrity and transparency

Lessons are being taken in stride and we are adapting as it becomes necessary. However, we are NOT the type of business that will make the same mistake twice. We will always make things right with our people... you are everything to us! To stay up to date with this movement (yes, this is a movement), check out our Behind The Scenes page, follow us on Instagram @bigcapbrand, and check our website weekly as we are constantly evolving.